A brave reporter from Bullshire Online has just read on The Twitters that the earlier ‘Bomb Scare’ at Bullshire Athletic’s stadium
Category: News
Top Bullshire Cop Suspended For Comparing Moobs
One of Bullshire’s top cops has been suspended after being caught comparing moobs with a colleague recently. Bullshire Online snooped on
Journalists and Reporters Help Police Evacuate Stadium
Earlier this afternoon (Sunday) we read on facebook that Bullshire Athletic’s football stadium was being evacuated following something unusual being
What A Woman Realised Will Amaze You!
We’ve all done it. We’ve all been so sleepy when we wake up that we often make silly mistakes. What
Can Eating Ice Cream Harm Your Health?
As temperatures rise, we all like to enjoy a refreshing tasty ice cream don’t we? Have you ever stopped to
What Could Happen to This Cute Puppy Would Upset You!
Here at Bullshire Online we love animals so we were shocked and upset at what could have happened to this
Did YOU Know a Car Could DO THIS?!
A Bullshire Online reporter has discovered a fascinating fact about a certain piece of fine German engineering. That’s right, one
What’s Your Games of Throne Character Name?
We all like to imagine. We all like to think about what it’s like to be a character within a
You Won’t Believe What You See in Picture 7!
Have you recently been stung by a click bait news article? It happens to all of us, one minute you’re
Shocking End to High Speed Chase
Bullshire Online have uncovered shocking footage which appears to show the shocking end to a recent high speed chase. When