NEED to see a Doctor within MINUTES? HERE’S HOW!

So you need to see a doctor but you can’t get an appointment with your GP? It’s a familiar problem for many Bullshire Citizens.

Bullshire Online can exclusively reveal the solution!


That’s right.  You may be a law abiding Bullshire Citizen; but the key to being able to see a Doctor within MINUTES is to get yourself arrested.


If you’re arrested in Bullshire, you’re taken to a Police Station and, when there, you’re asked a series of questions; including “Would you like to see a Doctor?”

If you answer “Yes” then a Doctor or a “Custody Nurse” will see you.

It’s very probable that, because Police Doctors and “Custody Nurses” are extremely risk averse, you’ll be taken to one of Bullshire’s few remaining hospitals.

If you don’t need to go to hospital, a prescription may be written for you.  A Bullshire Police Officer will then have to stop fighting crime and visit a pharmacist where your prescription will be collected for you.


Remember – If you’re of previous good character and you get yourself arrested just so you can see a Doctor, you may end up with a criminal record.


If you’re a “Custody Nurse” did you know you can choose to procure a personalised drinking vessel?  

You can do so by clicking on this little picture:


Did you know that Bullshire Police Officers absolutely love taking ‘Detainees’ to Hospital?

If you fancy becoming a Bullshire Police Officer but want to try your hand at listening to feral favela dwelling underclass scum for hours on end, why don’t you download and play the ‘Hospital Watch Simulator’ from Bullshire Police?


Don’t forget to return to Facebook to vent your anger and/or add your comments to their post.

A "Pint for the Social Media Ambassador"

Scotch Egg
Cheeky Chaser?
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In the past, if you didn't want to choose to procure 'Bullshire Stuff' you could choose to procure a 'Virtual Pint' for our Social Media Ambassador.
Any forthcoming wedge was put towards 'Morale Bundles' for injured bobbies and to procure various bits and bobs which we donated to the wonderful Care of Police Survivors charity. Naturally, because running 'Bullshire' far from free, wedge was also put towards keeping the lights on at Bullshire HQ.
But now, because our supreme leaders say so, a 'Virtual Pint' cannot be procured; it must be accompanied by a 'Substantial Meal'.
Therefore, if you don't want to choose to procure any physical Bullshire Stuff, you'll have to choose to consider the question of deciding to procure a 'Virtual Scotch Egg' for our Social Media Ambassador; which will allow them to keep the lights on and to continue running all things 'Bullshire'.
You don't have to, obviously. We'll carry on doing what we do, because it's a laugh.
Merry Christmas.
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A "Pint for the Social Media Ambassador"